Social Work Practice

  • Building Resilience: Coping Strategies for Youth in Times of Crisis

    Building Resilience: Coping Strategies for Youth in Times of Crisis

    In times of crisis, young people are often faced with unprecedented challenges that can significantly impact their mental and emotional well-being. Whether it is a global pandemic, economic downturn, or personal struggles, youth are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of crisis due to their developing brains and the ongoing formation of their identities. Consequently, it…

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  • Digital Literacy: Empowering Young Minds for the Future

    Digital Literacy: Empowering Young Minds for the Future

    This article explores the importance of digital literacy and its role in preparing young people for the challenges and opportunities of the future. In today’s rapidly developing digital landscape, we cannot overstate the importance of digital literacy for young people. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, from education and work…

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  • Breaking the Stigma: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth

    Breaking the Stigma: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth

    In a world that often fails to recognise the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth, it is crucial to break the stigma and provide the support they need to thrive. LGBTQ+ youth, defined as individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or any other sexual orientation or gender identity, face a…

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