Donate to Us

You may choose to donate to one of our major field operations or to make a general unearmarked donation. These unearmarked donations are essential to enable us to help children and young people who are in desperate need, but for whom it can be difficult to raise funds as their plight is no longer in the news.

By contributing to a programme that you feel strongly about as a donor, engage creatively with that project’s shape, form, and impact. Why? So a generation of children and young people never looks back on the possibilities of how they can create positive change.

If you would like to consider supporting our work, you can do so in the following ways:

1. Bank Cheque or Draft, in the name of ‘YUVA’ and sent by post to:
YUVA Head Office
204, Jade Court
Jummah Mosque Street
Port Louis, Mauritius

2. Bank Transfer:
Account holder: YUVA
Account no.: 000445733446
Bank: The Mauritius Commercial Bank, Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis, Mauritius

3. MCB Juice:
You can donate through MCB Juice at 5252 5556.

To keep administrative costs to a minimum, donations under MUR 10,000/- will only be acknowledged if you indicate this on the transfer form.

YUVA is not a government agency but depends on donations to carry out its work. The value of contributions is increased because the NGO has a vast volunteer network, with 755 volunteers for every paid member of staff.

Once again, thank you for your support!

$ 150.00
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Donation Total: $150.00