Top 5 Most Creative & Innovative Reading Campaigns

Reading is a highly encouraging activity. Below are some of the most creative and innovative reading campaigns launched around the world to promote reading:

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Why You Should Be Worried About the Future of Reading Culture in Mauritius

A reading culture is defined as an environment where reading is cherished, respected, and encouraged. Reading is more than just a pastime or a requirement for schoolwork. But does Mauritius have a reading culture?

Reading plays a vital role in society – from reading emails, text messages, road signs, or advertisements. In reality, even individuals who claim to despise reading do so daily. Therefore, reading is not just essential to future career success. It can also benefit youngsters in future relationships while maintaining a household and other aspects of their personal life.

Unfortunately, many individuals, particularly young people, are losing interest in reading in Mauritius. But what is the importance of having a culture of reading, and what are the ways to foster it?

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