Samuel Nasralla: Evaluating Five Arguments of the Mauritius Youth Parliament

Samuel Nasralla: Evaluating Five Arguments of the Mauritius Youth Parliament Session 3

On Wednesday Dec 2nd we went to Port Louis to attend a youth parliament. The session was greatly interactive by many youth who have passion to change their country and Africa. It was also honored by some diplomats from Mauritius. I have learned a lot from those talks and arguments, one of the most interesting arguments I liked the one talking how we can govern people in a country either by making laws or education or morality. The question was raised here whether which technique we should use to have a good governance and allow the right conduct of the citizens. My personal opinion is that we should have a mix of the three things mentioned above, they are all dependent on each other. You can’t live in a country where there are good morals but not law because you can’t depend on morals so much because at a certain point morals are relative from one to another. Some people their morals and ethics would be derived from their religious background and others can have their values derived from their culture or heritage. Whether we like it or not, morals and ethics would always be relative from one to another and we can’t have this as a general platform to have good governance. But on the other hand, we can’t deny the effect of morals on the citizens, it’s the inside power that drives people actions, if you have good morals in a society, less crime, less corruption and less problems. As mentioned in the parliament by George that Japan his country is a great example of people living with their morals and ethics based on the way they got raised and lived in home. Therefore I would suggest that reaching to good governance would first start from the families that raise their children with ethics and morals to make them reliable citizens that do good for the country and for others around them. But get back to the point that morals won’t be enough; morals should be governed by set of laws that is above morals. Laws come in at a point where morals could be different because they are relevant as mentioned before. I see law is a cutting sword that sharpens the morals and state what should be legalized and what shouldn’t. Looking around the countries, we can’t find well developed countries without having a set of laws that governs people actions. Laws are essential to make a general platform that people can all be equal and treated fairly under its umbrella. But let’s get back to my start point that stated that morals, education and laws are dependent on each other, because in the case of having laws we need people to enforce those kind of laws that is why now morals and ethics kick in and help out laws. Because if we don’t have ethical people who enforce those laws, then there is no need for laws because people who enforce law can easily take bribes and forgets about the law. Our third corner is education, and I see this as a very important pillar to reach the good governance as with Education you direct people ethics and moral to a more civilized and developed ethics.  It also gives more credibility to the laws set out because they are set by well educated people who have well developed mentalities that by education made them more responsible for the government. Education sets in us integrity, responsibility and smartness that we need to develop a good governance.

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Registered in February 2015, YUVA started as a group of enthusiastic individuals, and today it has mobilised thousands of young people with a simple aim of creating a better future for children and youth of Mauritius. At the heart of YUVA’s duty lies the conviction that the collective destinies of the human race are bound together.

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Registered in February 2015, YUVA started as a group of enthusiastic individuals, and today it has mobilised thousands of young people with a simple aim of creating a better future for children and youth of Mauritius. At the heart of YUVA’s duty lies the conviction that the collective destinies of the human race are bound together.

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