Combating Poverty and Hunger: Role of NGOs in India’s Development

India, a country with a population of over 1.3 billion, faces a significant challenge in combating poverty and hunger. Despite the country’s rapid economic growth, poverty and hunger continue to plague millions of Indians, particularly in rural areas. The Indian government has implemented various policies and programmes to address these issues, but the sheer scale of the problem necessitates the involvement of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the effort.

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Top 10 NGOs of India in 2023

Many NGOs in India have established and strengthened their position through their work in the last few decades. This article brought to you the top 10 NGOs of India in 2013, which have positively impacted society and brought significant change.

Not for Profit Organisations play an essential role in corporate social responsibility as they manage various CSR funds and help them achieve their objective. However, funds from for-profit corporations are not the only source for not-for-profit organisations. They also receive grants from the government and charities from the public.

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Top 10 Opportunities to Volunteer in India

Many local and international students look for opportunities to volunteer in India. Volunteering is committing yourself to devote time and effort to benefit a community, society, environment, and individuals. It is about doing something for others, being selfless and charitable. It gives opportunities for societies to help each other without expecting anything in return. Volunteering is for people who are generous and kind-hearted.

India is a popular volunteering destination for students or explorers. Travellers are deeply moved by the poor living conditions of some regions. Volunteering opportunities in India focus on tackling poverty, improving the population’s education, empowering women, relieving the impact of COVID-19 on the country etc.

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