National Day 2021: My Message to Our Dormant Youth

Today Mauritius is celebrating the National Day 2021. We are being given a chance to start with a clean(er) slate after 53 years of Independence and after 29 years of being a Republic.

Now is the time for every person deemed a ‘youth’ to stand up and be present in the present. Yes, the future is for the youth, but more importantly, the present is just as much for the youth. It is high time that we break all of these out-dated societal norms and make room for how life is these days. The youth have a stronger voice than they tend to realise, and the potential action that lies in that collective effort is even more potent than anyone cares to think.

Continue reading “National Day 2021: My Message to Our Dormant Youth”

Volunteer as Photographer

Photography serves to define the window through which we view, interpret, and communicate our societal ideals and problems.  It guides our understanding of beauty and pain, of joy and sorrow, of accomplishment and struggle.  A photograph can be a call to action, or a call for contemplation. Photographs are capable of altering our perception of the world that surrounds us every day.

We believe that a single image can define our organisation and convey our mission to the public in a manner that no other medium is capable of doing alone.

Do you want to give back to the World by volunteering your time and services to help us?  By connecting with our needs and your passion of photography, we shall be a powerful team whereby you will gain experience and exposure while we shall gain professional quality imagery to use within YUVA.

Images may be worth 10,000 words, but the best ones leave you speechless.

Humans are visual.  We rely heavily on our sense of vision to guide us through life.  Our emotions and judgment are permanently intertwined with our visual senses.  It is through imagery that photographers attempt to build connections with the audience.  Likewise, it is through the use of imagery that YUVA will build a connection with its audience.  We firmly believe that the power of imagery to make these connections cannot be underestimated.

Who we’re looking for

YUVA is looking for experienced amateurs, semi-professional, and professional photographers living in Mauritius who are willing to volunteer their skills to assist National and Local projects.  All photographers must at a minimum have a DSLR camera and a kit lens.

Why you should join

The one thing that joins all photographers regardless of skill level is a love for the challenge inherent in creating an image.  By volunteering with YUVA you will get the chance to work with a non-profit organisation on a wide variety of projects – each of which will present unique challenges and opportunities in an environment that encourages the development of your own artistic vision.  By becoming our volunteer photographer your photography projects gain a new purpose by directly supporting your community and our causes.  We work to ensure that all our photographers are given complete access to the people and events that they photograph thus creating new educational opportunities that will make anyone a better photographer.

What you agree to 

As a photographer for YUVA, you are responsible for creating quality images on projects which you are working. In general, we expect our photographers to deliver a minimum of 100 pictures during a project. Photos should be submitted in a maximum period of 48 hours.This gives us a variety of images to select from for use in their social media campaigns, marketing materials, brochures, fund raisers, etc.

Your rights

By agreeing to photograph for YUVA you are granting us a worldwide, irrevocable editorial license to use your photographs in support of our mission. YUVA will give credit to you as the original creator of the images for all uses of your work.  As the photographer, you retain all copyrights to your images taken during any of the events that you shoot.

Excited to change the World through your DSLR? Please fill out the form below

11 October: International Day of the Girl Child

Today is not your typical Sunday; it’s International Day of the Girl Child. While the very well-known International Women’s Day started over 100 years ago in 1909, the International Day of the Girl Child is fairly new—only four years old. Yet it’s goal is a powerful one: In December 2011, the United Nations declared October 11 as a day to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.”

Empowerment of and investment in girls are key in breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of their human rights”

-United Nations Resolution 66/170

The U.N. selects a different theme to focus on every year, and 2015’s theme is “The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030.” The idea is that girls going through adolescence now can start to help make a change, and plan for a better world for girls born now who will be adolescents in 15 years. The day itself is a time to focus on how to help girls “have the right to a safe, educated, and healthy life, not only during these critical formative years, but also as they mature into women,” says the U.N. “If effectively supported during the adolescent years, girls have the potential to change the world—both as the empowered girls of today and as tomorrow’s workers, mothers, entrepreneurs, mentors, household heads, and political leaders.”

The Day of the Girl is a response to an urgent problem facing our world today: the neglect and devaluation of girls around the world. On October 11 of every year, we see dynamic groups across the world (led by girls, of course) acting to highlight, discuss, celebrate and ultimately advance girls’ lives and opportunities across the globe. When girls come together to talk about what really matters to us, we can teach ourselves and other people–adults, boys, and other girls all across the world–new ways of thinking about gender issues, which will help us take action to change the status quo.

October 11 is not just a day; it’s a movement. A worldwide revolution.

The Day of the Girl is bigger than one issue, one organization, one country, and even the day itself. It is a yearly reflection of what we’ve done and what we need to keep doing to fully achieve gender equality everywhere.

Beautiful little girls during the Children Empowerment Program, organised by YUVA District Rivière du Rempart. (Photo: YUVA/Luckkana Ghaneswarsing)

Why a Day for Girls? Here’s a dozen reasons.

As girls, we experience inequality in every aspect of our lives. There are a billion reasons why we need the Day of the Girl, but let’s start with just a dozen (all are linked to their source):

By 2015, females will make up 64% of the world’s illiterate (adult) population. (PDF)

Only 30% of girls in the world are enrolled in secondary school. (PDF)

Girls make up half of the high school population, but receive only 41% of all athletic participation opportunities.

Women only hold 15.7% of top leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies.

One in seven girls in developing countries is married off before age 15.

More than half (54%) of all rapes of females happen before age 18. (PDF)

1 in 5 high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner.

Children as young as age 11 are forced to work as prostitutes. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year.

54% of 3rd-5th grade girls worry about their appearance and 37% worry about their weight.

57% of music videos feature a female portrayed exclusively as a decorative, sexual object.

Females continue to be underrepresented in top roles in film with less than 1 in 3 speaking characters in children’s movies.

YUVA works in a way where girls not only advocate for themselves but for others as well. Teaching girls to lead allows them to be part of the solution. (Photo: YUVA/Luckkana Ghaneswarsing)

In 2011, the United Nations declared October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. Its mission is “to help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential.” You can read the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the International Day of the Girl Child for yourselves!

From the U.N.’s website,

The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer an opportunity for a global commitment to breaking intergenerational transmission of poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination – and realizing our vision of a life of dignity for all, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared, marking the International Day of the Girl Child.

“Our task now is to get to work on meeting the SDG targets and making good on our promises to give girls all the opportunities they deserve as they mature to adulthood by 2030,” said Mr. Ban in his message on the Day, referring to the newly–adopted 2030 Agenda and its landmark 17 Global Goals.

That means enabling them to avoid child marriage and unwanted pregnancy, protect against HIV transmission, stay safe from female genital mutilation, and acquire the education and skills they need to realize their potential.

“It also requires ensuring their sexual health and reproductive rights. Girls everywhere should be able to lead lives free from fear and violence. If we achieve this progress for girls, we will see advances across society,” continued the UN chief.

The Secretary-general recalled that just after the adoption last month of the Global Goals for, world leaders heard a ringing call from Nobel Peace Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was flanked in the General Assembly Hall by young people from around the world. ‘Promise us that you will keep your commitments and invest in our future,’ she urged.

“Three years ago, on the International Day of the Girl Child, I condemned the attack against Malala and called for more opportunities for girls everywhere. Today, I applaud her courage and that of her peers, who only want the chance to contribute to our world,” said the Secretary-General.

“Let us resolve to invest in today’s adolescent girls so that tomorrow they can stand strong as citizens, political leaders, entrepreneurs, heads of their households and more. This will secure their rights and our common future,” he declared.

In her remarks UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka said the cadre of 15-year-old girls living today were born at the advent of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) into a world of hope. Not all of those hopes were fulfilled. Many have already dropped out of school to look after family members or take informal work to help support the family.

“More than 250 million of our 15-year-olds are already married, too many are facing the likelihood of HIV infection, especially given the high unmet needs for family planning…and every 10 minutes somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies by violent means,” she said, adding that: “These, and the generations that follow them, are the young women for whom we are working so hard.”

Educate girls, change the world. (Photo: YUVA/Luckkana Ghaneswarsing)

YUVA Triolet : Faites le don de votre sang et sauvez une vie

Savezvous que les hôpitaux et cliniques privées de l’île Maurice ont besoin de 150 pintes de sang par jour?

Afin d’aider les patients, le YUVA de Triolet organise une collecte de sang le samedi 5 septembre 2015 de 9h – 17h sur le parking de Super U de Grand-Baie. Un dépistage du diabète sera également prévu. YUVA mise sur la générosité des donneurs qui nous sommes certains ont à cœur le bien-être des Mauriciens. On fait un appel spécialement aux jeunes de venir nombreux à faire don de son sang pour sauver une vie. Pour rappel, sachez que 150 pintes de sang sont nécessaires tous les jours dans nos hôpitaux et cliniques privées pour sauver la vie des personnes qui font des d’opérations du cœur, pour les dialysés, pour les personnes qui ont besoin d’une transfusion de sang, pour les cancéreux et pour les enfants atteints de thalassémie.

Luttons contre la maltraitance envers les animaux

« Le jour où les humains comprendront qu’une pensée sans langage existe chez les Animaux, nous mourons de honte de les avoir enfermés dans des zoos et de les avoir humiliés par nos rires… » Boris Cyrulnik 

C’est fini l’époque où les animaux n’étaient appréciés en fonction de leur utilité. Désormais, ils éveillent en nous de vraies émotions et nous sommes nombreux à les considérer comme faisant partie de la famille. Qu’est-ce qui suscite en nous cet amour pour ces petits êtres sans défense ? C’est peut-être le fait que nos animaux domestiques nous donnent un amour inconditionnel et peut importe qui est son maitre, son animal l’idolâtra.

Si l’humain peut devenir l’ange gardien d’un animal il est également son ennemi. Regardez donc autour de vous, si un enfant dit adorer les chiens, certains adorent taquiner les chats en tirant leurs oreilles ou en écrasant leurs queues. Combien de fois avons-nous arraché les ailes des mouches sans états d’âme ? Selon Freud, «  l’enfant est un pervers polymorphe qui fait feu de tout bois pour satisfaire ses pulsions ». Cependant, en grandissant, ils changent et traitent bien les animaux car ils trouvent en eux des amis. Malheureusement, si Maurice est connu comme l’ile paradisiaque, il ne l’est pas pour la race canine. Tous les jours des chiens sont euthanasiés et les gens abandonnent leurs chiens ou chats sans aucune considération dans des endroits publics.

Non seulement certaines organisations ont commis des actes de violence envers nos animaux les chiens mais les Mauriciens ne sont pas nombreux à faire des efforts pour adopter nos chiens errants.

Le 25 septembre, YUVA organise un atelier pour trouver des solutions pour améliorer la qualité de vie de nos animaux. Mais il faudrait avant tout conscientiser les gens à stériliser leurs animaux domestiques et de surtout cesser de les abandonner dans tous les coins de rues. Vous pouvez également devenir famille d’accueil pour un de ces petits malheureux en les adoptant dans les associations telles que PAWS ou MSAW. Vous pouvez également organiser des collectes de nourritures et croquettes auprès des grandes enseignes à destination de l’association pour laquelle vous êtes bénévoles.

Communiqué de Presse : MYP sur la protection des animaux‏

Un atelier de travail le ‘Mauritius Youth Parliament’ (MYP) se tiendra le vendredi 25 septembre 2015 à la Municipalité de Port-Louis.

Le bien-être et la protection des animaux  sont des thèmes de plus en plus abordés parmi nos citoyens mais surtout parmi les jeunes.  Cet atelier verra la participation d’une cinquantaine d’étudiants, les membres de différents Ministères, des ONG, des vétérinaires et des jeunes du pays entier. L’objectif est d’identifier les besoins et opportunités pour le renforcement de la protection et le bien-être des animaux.

YUVA invite le grand public ainsi que les membres de la presse à venir assister à la première session du ‘Mauritius Youth Parliament’ pour discuter de la protection des animaux, le vendredi 25 Septembre 2015 à 9 hr à la salle du conseil de la Municipalité de Port-Louis.

Le ‘Mauritius Youth Parliament’ présentera les enjeux et perspectives du bien-être animal, en se fondant sur les différents problèmes auxquels font face les animaux. Les débats donneront lieu sur les sujets tels que : la brutalité sur les animaux, la biodiversité, le végétarisme et les animaux en cage. Le programme comprendra des présentations, discussions et échanges d’idées. Manque d’eau, d’un abri décent ou encore d’entretien… La négligence ou encore la maltraitance d’animaux sont des phénomènes auxquels chacun d’entre nous a été ou sera confronté. Lors de ce débat, plusieurs problèmes affectant les animaux seront abordés et les différentes personnes présentes auront comme devoir de donner des propositions sur comment améliorer la qualité de vie des animaux.

Télécharger le PDF du dossier de presse ici.