Empowering Women through NGOs in Mauritius: Initiatives and Impact

This article explores the initiatives and impact of NGOs in Mauritius, which empower women, focusing on the key areas of women’s rights, education and training, women and health, violence against women, women and the economy, women in power and decision-making, and industrial mechanisms for the advancement of women.

Mauritius has made significant strides in the process of women’s empowerment and gender equality, thanks to the strong political commitment and the evolving socio-economic and environmental landscape. The country has ratified various international and regional human rights instruments to strengthen the promotion and protection of women’s rights and gender equality for sustainable development, prosperity, and peace for all women and girls.

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About International Youth Day 2023

As we near International Youth Day 2023 on 12 August, it is essential to become mindful of this year’s theme – “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World”. This theme puts emphasis on the impact up-and-coming generations can have when it comes to sustainability and protecting our environment.

This day encourages young people worldwide to develop skills to help be part of sustainable actions to protect our planet and build brighter futures for themselves.

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The Most Popular Social Issues in India

India’s population is roughly 1.3 billion, the second most populated country after China. The inhabitants face many challenges daily, and it has a repercussion on the economy, reputation, and welfare of the whole country. The social issues in India are primarily found in the rural areas, also known as the slums.

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The 7 Best Employment in India Initiatives of 2022

The law related to employment in India uses a very bureaucratic system, meaning that the focus is mainly on the procedures than the effectiveness of work. In 2020, there were approximately 501 million workers in India out. There are two types of businesses: the organised and the unorganised.

The organised sector consists of registered businesses such as trade companies, factories, shopping malls, and hotels that have been formally registered. Labour in India is divided into three main sectors/industries: the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors.

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Addressing Gender Inequality in Africa Post-COVID-19

Gender Inequality has many intersections. Most societal structures, from the government to families, are patriarchal. At the core of any society are the economy and jobs. Roles and work assigned to men perpetuate the belief that men can only do specific jobs. This is not sustainable.

The pandemic worsened employment levels across all genders, disproportionately so for women. This article looks at how Kenya and Ghana address gender disparities and challenge workplace stereotypes.

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A Call for Social Justice in Digital Economy: World Day of Social Justice 2022

Celebrated on 20 February every year, the theme of World Day of Social Justice 2022 is “A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy.”

The objective of this day is to promote awareness of global inequality and gather people from different walks of life throughout the globe to abolish poverty, biological discrimination, sexual identity, lack of education, and religious intolerance to establish an equal community.

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The One Thing All Successful NGOs Have in Common: A Robust Financial Framework

 “The ‘financial framework’ is the term for the policies, procedures, regulations and standing orders we use to make sure we’re taking proper care of public money.” – Powys County Council

Similar to a business, it is imperative to establish a robust financial framework for an NGO. A financial framework provides an organised system that guides and supports the financial operations and structure of the organisation.  It includes internal financial control mechanisms to prevent financial mismanagement such as misuse or theft of funds and assets, non-compliance of an organisation or government policies and regulations, and inaccurate financial reporting. NGOs also face several problems, including inadequate resources, lack of capacity building, lack of performance measurement instruments, and inefficient management. Setting up a proper financial framework will help resolve some, if not all, of them.

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Tricks on How NGOs Can Survive Without Funding

Anne Frank once wrote, “No one has ever become poor by giving”. But to give, you need to have. Every organisation needs funding to operate. Like any organisation, NGOs need money to cover their costs- capital costs, operation costs, overhead costs, staff costs, etc. NGOs, in particular, depend primarily on grants and donations for survival.

What happens when the organisation runs out of money? Donations are made at random, and grants are often subjected to conditions. With a limited budget and uncertain cash inflow, NGOs often have to curtail their spending at the cost of quantity and quality of their work. Under these circumstances, NGOs find it difficult to plan for the long term and ensure the longevity of their humanitarian programmes. Preemptively, NGOs should develop a stable funding source and steadily achieve autonomy from donor funds and grants.

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Are You Worried About the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Sector in Mauritius

The travel and tourism industry has become a global industry, which is widely considered one of the fastest-growing industries globally.

There are various purposes for one to be a tourist and to travel. Some of the reasons people travel could be for fun, experience, or increase their knowledge and learning, or for work purpose. People generally came to Mauritius for the 3s (Sun, Sea, Sand). However, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world as it has somehow stopped the world for a while. This current disaster has forced people to stay home, and in a certain way, they are imprisoned for their security. The coronavirus has massively affected all the industries around the world but mainly the travel and tourism industry. COVID-19 has caused several negative impacts such as travel restriction and closed borders by many countries internationally.

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